Create User Profile

Welcome to Discovery Building Programs! We're thrilled you want to share your time and talents to serve your community! Please complete the information requested below to create your VOLUNTEER EVENT ASSISTANT OR PRESENTER profile.


New Volunteer Event Assistants will be asked to complete a brief digital or in-person training prior to first volunteer shift. Once you complete your profile, you will be forwarded additional information about completing this training and a required background check.

We look forward to serving with you!


* Indicates a required field
User Full Name:*

(1000 character max)
(1000 character max)
(1000 character max)


Upload User Profile Photo:
Choose Photo

(.jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif format only and less than 5MB in size.)
User Groups:
User Interests:*
User Languages:
User Skills:
(1000 character max)
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