Submit Project Request

Project Requester Full Name:*

Need volunteers for an event at your school?

NTPS Staff, Volunteer Coordinators, and PTA/Booster Members - Please use this form to request NTPS approved family, community, and student volunteers for special events or ongoing projects at your school.


Please give us as much notice as possible! You should expect to receive follow-up communication within 2 school days confirming that your event has been posted and emailed out to school/district volunteers.


Please make sure to include the name of your school along with the project in the Project Name field.


In the project description field, please include:

  • The DATE(S) of the volunteer opportunity.
  • A brief description of the event (1-2 sentences).
  • Any specific jobs or shift times that volunteers can sign up for within the event, including how many volunteers you need for each shift/job.
  • Any skills or types of volunteers that would be helpful (ex. students, bilingual, etc.).
  • The contact person for this volunteer event - if not the requester.

Community organizations wishing to recruit NTPS student volunteers may also use this form.


Questions? or 360-412-4451


(Leave blank if an individual)
Date:      Time:
Date:      Time:

* (0 = Unlimited)
(Leave blank for no age restriction)
  --    Years Old