Opportunity Details | Markset Boat Crew Training

Opportunity Name:
Markset Boat Crew Training


This training is intended for volunteers who want to learn the skills to be markset boat crew and have not previously taken this class.


You must learn to tie a bowline knot on your own prior to arriving for the class.


This will be an all day class with morning classes dockside and in the classroom. After lunch the afternoon sessions will be on-the-water practice followed by a debrief in the classroom.


The first half of the morning will be dockside and will include Shed Gear Familiarization, Markset Boat Setup, and Mark Handling.


The second half of the morning will be in the classroom. Mark set and adjustment methods will be presented. These are the methods that will be used for the afternoon exercises.


The afternoon session will be on-the-water practice to set up a typical racecourse. 


For the on-the-water exercises there will be a maximum of four RIBs on the water. Each training RIB will be crewed by one trainer - an experienced markset boat captain and three Crew students.


There will be two racecourses set up with two training RIBs on each course.


At the conclusion of the on-the-water practice the RIBs will return to the shed, the gear will be put away, and everyone will meet in the classroom for a training wrap up and debrief.


Recommended personal gear is a personal water bottle, layered clothing, foul weather gear, non-slip shoes, hat, gloves, sunscreen, and sun glasses.


Required personal gear is a PFD (personal floatation device)!


Each person will be responsible for their own lunch. You may bring your own or order food from the Club. Non-members wanting to get lunch from the Club should get a guest card from the Front Desk upon arrival. We will take lunch in the classroom.

Date/Time: Sat, Jul 20, 2024 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Spots Available:
9   Tip icon  
Meeting Location: StFYC classroom TBD

Organizer: Bill VanDervoort
707-494-6497 / 707-748-5502
RC Skills Development / Markset

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