Create Volunteer Profile

Welcome to the Christian Health Community Event Registration & Volunteer Information System (CERVIS). Thank you for your desire to serve as part of the Christian Health team. Please complete the information requested below to submit your application for review. We look forward to serving with you!

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Volunteer Full Name:*


* Tip icon
Upload Volunteer Profile Photo:
Choose Photo

(.jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif format only and less than 5MB in size.)
Volunteer Skills:
Volunteer Availability:
Volunteer CH Employee:

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Volunteer Commitment

I will notify the Volunteer Coordinator if I am unable to keep my volunteer assignment. I agree to abide by the requirements and regulations of Christian Health and the service to which I am assigned. I will be punctual, courteous, dependable, and keep in confidence all information that I may hear concerning a patient, resident, client, consumer, Christian Health team member, volunteer, or their family member. I commit to volunteering for at least 40 hours during the calendar year.


Photo Consent

I consent to be photographed for marketing or publicity purposes by Christian Health. I understand these photographs may be used for advertisements, publications, social media, and placement on the Christian Health website among other marketing and promotional opportunities.


Parent/Guardian Photo Consent (for teen 13-17 years old)

I grant permission for my teen to be photographed for marketing or publicity purposes by Christian Health. I understand these photographs may be used for publications, advertisements, social media, and placement on the Christian Health website.