Create Volunteer Profile

Welcome to the Mission Health Lexington Community Event Registration & Volunteer Information System (CERVIS). Thank you for your desire to serve as part of the Mission Health Lexington team. Please complete the information requested below to submit your application for review. We look forward to serving with you!

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Volunteer Full Name:*

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(.jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif format only and less than 5MB in size.)

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Mission Health Lexington respects the privacy of all patients and keeps all patient records confidential. All employees and volunteers must sign a statement of agreement acknowledging their understanding of, and agreement with the confidentiality policy of Mission Health Lexington. The agreement is as follows: I agree to respect the privacy of all Mission Health Lexington patients and to keep all patient information confidential. I understand that I am allowed access to patient records and information only when authorized. Authorization is granted for the sole purpose of providing and documenting care. I understand that this agreement will be kept on file at Mission Health Lexington.